--> Steve Harris


Monday, 2 June 2014

Evolution and Adaptation of SEO

Search Engine are a special kind of website by which we can search anything by using a particular keyword or keyword phrase. Search Engine Optimization is a technique of make a website SEO friendly that is if someone search with a keyword then he or she will find the website in the top pages of search engine. Some of the main search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN etc.

Though there are many search engines in the world of internet Google is most famous out of them. The age of Google in this field of search engine is all most 15 years. From the very initial time of their origin Google is doing different experiments to give better user friendly search results. For this Google have set a rule book for Search Engine Optimizers. This rule book is known as Google algorithm. Google time to time change the basic structure of its algorithm. To get better search result and make it SEO friendly we have to follow the algorithm of Google. Some of major Google updates are Panda, Caffeine, Penguin and last but not the least Hummingbird. A brief idea about these updates are given below

Panda Update: Panda is a algorithm changes of Google that mainly fight against the spamming and low quality website. This Panda update was first released in February 2011. The main theme of this update is to give low rank to low quality websites and high quality to high quality website. This update gives a surge to the new websites and social networking websites and show anger to that website which contain excessive amount of ads. This update affects the 12% of websites. Though Panada first release in February 2011 it become in action widely from April 2011.

Google Panda
Google Panda
How webmasters come to know about this Panda updates?
Ans:- The webmasters noticed that the keywords which were in good rank few days ago become out of search suddenly. There was a sudden fall in the graph of Google Analytics that is the visitors become low.

How Panda update works?
Ans:- The panda update of Google works against spamming, duplicate and promotional content. The main slogan of this update is “content is king”. Panda update always give good search results to those websites which have unique and relevant content and whose content get changes frequently. Panda hates circulating a single article or blog in different article or blog syndicating websites.
Following is a brief check list for success against panda update
  • Unique website content
  • Relevant content
  • Contents for both the user and search engines
  • No keyword staffing
  • No clocking or door way pages
  • No hidden text

Google Penguin
Google Penguin
Penguin Update: "Google Penguin” update is change in Google algorithm that affected science April 2012. This algorithm fights against “over Optimization” and “Black hat SEO “process. This update penalize those websites which violets “Google Webmaster Guideline”. In this algorithm Google also give importance to social media websites beside normal organic SEO. The main features of Penguin updates are as follows
  • No “Over Optimization” that is the excessive use of keyword reach anchor text in the content.
  • No keyword staffing
  • No doorway pages
  • No permanent 301 redirects
  • Avoid unnecessary back links from link firms to increase the page rank. In single word the “page rank” concept is no longer useful for SEO
  • No link exchange or reciprocal links
  • Share all the contents in social media websites
  • Practice guest blogging

Google Hummingbird
Google Hummingbird
Hummingbird Update: The latest update of Google is “Hummingbird”. This update is launched in October 2013. As we all know this is the age of smart phones, tabs, ipads etc so people have started searching through these mobile devices. Due to this reason the keywords have become” conversational “and” highly descriptive”. This algorithm has become extraordinarily social and conversation basis. The main features of humming bird update are
  • Regular up gradation of contents
  • Conversation based keywords and contents
  • Long tail keywords
  • Social Media Optimizations
Though these Google updates have been launched in different times they always work parallel so their effects will always be there. Beside these major Google updates there are many other small algorithm updates and different versions of these major updates. By these above changes in algorithm the Search Engine have been evolutes and adapted.

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